Kristin Hanson Thinks
It's Time to Re-Evaluate Our Storytelling Frames
If we can't make people outside our own walls—especially those in power— understand what we do, we don't have a chance of surviving, much less thriving, in this environment.
What Does Development Storytelling Look Like?
Believe it or not, when you're writing a gift announcement, the best story you can tell is *not* the gift announcement.
Write a Holiday Letter That People Will Actually Read
You might consider holiday letters anachronisms, but I *love* them—and your friends and family probably do, too. Writing one can be daunting, so use these tips to make your process easier.
How to Tell Better Stories in Your Cultivation Communications
Donors want to know they're investing in a sure bet. But how can you provide proof points for something that doesn't exist yet? Here are three ideas.
3 Reasons to Hire a Freelancer to Lead Your Stakeholder Research
Nonprofit and higher ed comms and development leaders know that if they want to start new program or revamp an existing one, conducting stakeholder research is a prerequisite for success. Here's why hiring a freelancer to do it is essential.
What's My Favorite Article?
When I put the finishing touches on this piece, I remember feeling the same satisfaction I do when I solve a hard Sunday crossword puzzle without looking up a single answer.
The Third Year of Freelancing? Not Exactly Charming
I encountered a bunch of awkward, challenging, and painful professional situations in the past 12 months. I second-, third-, and fourth-guessed my decisions about everything. But ultimately, I handled my business—and I learned some important things in the process.
Ghostwriting For (Relative) Dummies
If you're looking to break into ghostwriting as a freelancer, or it's a new part of your in-house portfolio, here are five things I wish I knew when I started out.
Your Next Comms Hire Should Come From Higher Ed
Frequently in higher ed, we talk about needing to bring in talent from other industries. Here are five reasons why the value can go both ways.
In Fundraising Comms, Why Start With Donors' 'Why'?
We're very good at identifying things to raise money for. We're pretty good at tying those things to experiences. We're not good at explaining why any of that matters beyond our bubbles.
Acing the SME Interview
Interviewing subject-matter experts is an intimidating prospect no matter how many times you've done it. Here are 10 tips I've learned that make these interviews easier to tackle.
Four Reasons I Freelance
For my second freelance-a-versary, I got to thinking about the question new clients always ask me: Why did I become a freelancer? Here's the answer.
Five Ways to Reframe Your Donor Stories
There *is* a way to get people to actually read development content: balance the celebration of a donor's impact while telling compelling stories about the people, places, and ideas their contributions will support.
Five Ways to Reframe Your Donor Stories
There *is* a way to get people to actually read development content: balance the celebration of a donor's impact while telling compelling stories about the people, places, and ideas their contributions will support.
Proper Care and Feeding of Freelancers
Help us help you! With just a few mindful considerations, clients can prime the soil for freelancers to do their best work, on time and on budget.
A derecho and an ultimatum
This is an excerpt from the first piece of creative nonfiction writing I've ever submitted for publication. I'm still waiting to hear whether it made the cut BUT today is the tenth anniversary of the start of the climactic weekend of the piece, which seemed like a decent reason to put this part of it out into the world.
Six Things I Learned In My First Freelance Year
On this first anniversary of my “great resignation,” here are some of the most important lessons I've learned about changing careers and striking out on your own.
Spring Into Better Nonprofit Storytelling
Spring is the perfect time to lay the groundwork for compelling storytelling in your nonprofit's year-end solicitation and stewardship plans.
But Where Did All The Posts Go?
Don't worry, they still exist! Read on to learn about my new personal writing sandbox and the direction this blog will be taking starting ... now.
Fundraising Stories Don't Have to Suck
We *can* tell better fundraising stories, and it doesn't have to hurt. I share lessons learned from the trenches in this post for Donor Relations Guru.