Kristin Hanson Thinks
It's Time to Re-Evaluate Our Storytelling Frames
If we can't make people outside our own walls—especially those in power— understand what we do, we don't have a chance of surviving, much less thriving, in this environment.
Christmas Eve on Sesame Street: The Movie We Need Right Now
More than ever, this movie--in all its grainy, low-tech, 1970s glory-- is balm for my soul this year.
A Personal Stylist Helped Me Make Peace With My Postpartum Body
I recognized a cycle repeating, and it scared me. Because I saw my mother hate her body, I hated mine. Because I hated mine, my children would likely learn to hate theirs. And I couldn't abide that.
Dear Howie
Your kindness and generosity brought happiness to so many people's lives. I'm ridiculously, stinkin' lucky to say that I'm one of them.
Surviving the Spica Cast Odyssey
Trying to learn *all the things* about caring for a child in a spica cast overwhelmed me last fall. This post includes all I've learned--through research and hard knocks--that helped us make it to the other side of the tunnel.
Committing to a "Wild Mediocre Life" in 2024
For 2024, I've decided not to make any resolutions. I've declined to set any intentions. I've refused to make big plans. Instead, I'm choosing to make my peace with the "wild mediocrity" this phase of my life is calling for.
Struggling to blow out 40 candles
It’s not really about the number “40” but more about the severe contraction of that expansive world I envisioned at 30.
How do you mourn someone you never met?
I knew Tonya was ill—she’d told me as much before our March call a few weeks ago. But I didn’t know it was the untreatable kind of ill.
This time, I'm ready for maternity leave to end
2019 Kristin wondered whether staying home with TJ would make her a better mom. 2023 Kristin is betting that going back to the grind will make her a better mom. We’ll see who’s right.
In defense of Nate Shelley
I can’t in good faith defend Nate’s actions throughout Season 2. But I will defend his humanity and argue that he’s more realistic and relatable than just about any other Ted Lasso character.
I suck at serving the peanuts
How much better would I face things now if I knew that, all along, things weren’t actually OK? That my parents really didn’t know how anything was going to play out? That we just had to deal with uncertainty as it breathes?
Do you want to watch a sunrise?
These days, as the parent of a toddler, getting up early is par for the course. Being late April, the sun was a bit of a later riser than it was on those summer vacations. I could simply set an alarm for 6:15 a.m., roll out of bed, pull on a sweater and take my balcony seat for the day’s show.
The emotional rollercoaster of quitting your job
It’s terrifying to realize that the “dream job” you’d been working toward for a long time isn’t. Especially when you have a child. Especially when you’re staring down your 38th birthday.
An afternoon at the National Civil Rights Museum
My walk through the National Civil Rights Museum crystallized my desire to NOT be one of those white faces in the background.