Kristin Hanson Thinks

It's Time to Re-Evaluate Our Storytelling Frames

If we can't make people outside our own walls—especially those in power— understand what we do, we don't have a chance of surviving, much less thriving, in this environment.

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A derecho and an ultimatum

This is an excerpt from the first piece of creative nonfiction writing I've ever submitted for publication. I'm still waiting to hear whether it made the cut BUT today is the tenth anniversary of the start of the climactic weekend of the piece, which seemed like a decent reason to put this part of it out into the world.

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Memories Memories

Farewell, Hopkins

Many moons ago, when I served as editor of The Magazine of Elon, I had an antagonistic approach to fundraising. I didn’t like it. My readers didn’t like it. It took the better part of a decade and five years of working with some of the most professional gift officers you’ll ever meet to change my mind.

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Memories, Sports Memories, Sports

Thanks, Stu

Grabbing a sliver of open bar space, I held my wallet at an angle I hoped would catch the bartender’s attention quickly. As I waited, I looked to my right, then to my left. And I realized I was standing next to Stuart Scott.

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