Kristin Hanson Thinks
The Daily Dread is Back
It’s been five years since COVID-19 shut down the world. But with everything seemingly spinning out of control, it might be time to bring back “Pandemic Rules.”
It's Time to Re-Evaluate Our Storytelling Frames
If we can't make people outside our own walls—especially those in power— understand what we do, we don't have a chance of surviving, much less thriving, in this environment.
What Does Development Storytelling Look Like?
Believe it or not, when you're writing a gift announcement, the best story you can tell is *not* the gift announcement.
The Commanders Won a Playoff Game and It Feels Weird
The 2024-25 Commanders season has been thrilling, but a playoff win? Frankly, it's disorienting.
Christmas Eve on Sesame Street: The Movie We Need Right Now
More than ever, this movie--in all its grainy, low-tech, 1970s glory-- is balm for my soul this year.
Write a Holiday Letter That People Will Actually Read
You might consider holiday letters anachronisms, but I *love* them—and your friends and family probably do, too. Writing one can be daunting, so use these tips to make your process easier.
How to Tell Better Stories in Your Cultivation Communications
Donors want to know they're investing in a sure bet. But how can you provide proof points for something that doesn't exist yet? Here are three ideas.
Lessons from Five Years of Motherhood
Although parents are supposed to be the teachers, our kids--just by existing--teach us so much. Here's what five years of motherhood has taught me.
3 Reasons to Hire a Freelancer to Lead Your Stakeholder Research
Nonprofit and higher ed comms and development leaders know that if they want to start new program or revamp an existing one, conducting stakeholder research is a prerequisite for success. Here's why hiring a freelancer to do it is essential.
A Personal Stylist Helped Me Make Peace With My Postpartum Body
I recognized a cycle repeating, and it scared me. Because I saw my mother hate her body, I hated mine. Because I hated mine, my children would likely learn to hate theirs. And I couldn't abide that.
What's My Favorite Article?
When I put the finishing touches on this piece, I remember feeling the same satisfaction I do when I solve a hard Sunday crossword puzzle without looking up a single answer.
Dear Howie
Your kindness and generosity brought happiness to so many people's lives. I'm ridiculously, stinkin' lucky to say that I'm one of them.
Kindergarten. Is. Coming.
Is it easier to grieve your children's milestones after the fact, like I used to — or in the middle of things, like the emotional slow-motion car-wreck I'm living through now?
The Third Year of Freelancing? Not Exactly Charming
I encountered a bunch of awkward, challenging, and painful professional situations in the past 12 months. I second-, third-, and fourth-guessed my decisions about everything. But ultimately, I handled my business—and I learned some important things in the process.
Surviving the Spica Cast Odyssey
Trying to learn *all the things* about caring for a child in a spica cast overwhelmed me last fall. This post includes all I've learned--through research and hard knocks--that helped us make it to the other side of the tunnel.
Gentle Parenting Travis Kelce
The one where I take a gentle parenting approach to Travis Kelce's dustup with Andy Reid during Super Bowl LVIII.
Ghostwriting For (Relative) Dummies
If you're looking to break into ghostwriting as a freelancer, or it's a new part of your in-house portfolio, here are five things I wish I knew when I started out.
Committing to a "Wild Mediocre Life" in 2024
For 2024, I've decided not to make any resolutions. I've declined to set any intentions. I've refused to make big plans. Instead, I'm choosing to make my peace with the "wild mediocrity" this phase of my life is calling for.
Your Next Comms Hire Should Come From Higher Ed
Frequently in higher ed, we talk about needing to bring in talent from other industries. Here are five reasons why the value can go both ways.